Pro AV Catalog
Future Automation - SRV-SBL
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Servo Split Box

Model: SRV-SBL

  • Height efficient parallax scrolling movement
  • Fully free-standing mechanism
  • Reveals an 85” display in under 8 seconds
  • ‘Floating lid’ moves vertically with the lift to reveal the display faster
  • Customisable to suit up to a 110” display
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The SBL is a fast and accurate vertical display lift with components which have been hand-crafted in our UK manufacturing facilities. A unique parallax scrolling movement reveals the display faster than a traditional box enclosure lift in a more height efficient free-standing mechanism. The fully customisable design can be adapted to suit specific large format displays and is compatible with all major home automation control standards to integrate seamlessly into residential projects.

  • Height efficient parallax scrolling movement
  • Fully free-standing mechanism
  • Reveals an 85” display in under 8 seconds
  • ‘Floating lid’ moves vertically with the lift to reveal the display faster
  • Customisable to suit up to a 110” display
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